This was THE place for the best FREE PowerPoint game show templates, ever. The purpose of this site is to provide teachers, educators, trainers, youth directors, and anyone else with top quality games and templates. Every game here strives to be as close to the actual game show as portrayed on TV, from the look, sounds, to the actual game-play. These games are the perfect idea for reviewing or studying material, or for a great way to have a lot of fun with your students or youth group.
All files posted here have you, the user, in mind. They have been designed to be easy-to-use, and highly customizable to your needs. They all have easy-to-follow instructions on how to use and how to edit or modify the template. Add your own questions and answers with ease, just simply replace the text with your own. While you're in the game, the macros will take care of all the rest. Macro-enabled presentations allow for all sorts of cool things that PowerPoint can't offer on it's own. Be sure to enable macros and enable editing so your game can keep scores, customize player and team names, and other features that help make these games deliver an amazing experience.
UPDATE: Unfortunately, the files had to be removed due to a cease and desist order from a major television production and distribution company. They will not be distributed out to anyone, please stop asking. There are no plans to create new game templates at this time. Any links beginning with the former "rusnakcreative.com" domain are no longer under my control. Apologies for any inconveniences these events may have caused you and your group.

What people are saying
My students here in spain loved all your games that are easy access through ppt. I've been using all of those for six years. They all enjoy it. Thank you very much.
I just wanted to sincerely send a thank you to you. We needed a team activity and we leveraged your Family Feud PowerPoint. Needless to say, it was a huge hit. I've been asked to lead that activity for a second team. With most of my team going virtual it’s been difficult. I simply wanted to say thank you. This was a really memorable experience.
Every one of these templates we have tried works extremely well, and is beyond expectations in quality and User-Friendliness. Thanks for the help!