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Short autobiography of the creator of these games and this site. You will read about how a creative passion for PowerPoint turned into the games and templates you see featured on this site.

WHO AM I : Greetings! My name is Mike, and I am the creator of the games featured on this site. I have over 20 years experience in utilizing PowerPoint in ways other than boring or deadly slideshow presentations.
BEGINNINGS : My first games were simple, yet engaging enough to where my teacher wanted their own copy. Due to that one teacher's delight of my work, I have found passion in creating PowerPoint games. I continued to make fun and exciting games to help me and my classmates cover material with Jeopardy and Millionaire.
PROGRAMMING FIRSTS : In 2015, I made a solid effort to finally learn Visual Basic for Applications. Up until this point, all my games were created with complex custom animations, animation triggers, and hyperlinks. There hasn't been an easy and efficient way to keep score, until now. My goal was to keep live scores with Jeopardy, and if I was good at it, keep track of the lifelines for Millionaire. After 6 months of trial and error, I had created 4 games: Family Feud, Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, and Pyramid.
RUSNAKCREATIVE.COM : Late 2015, this website was created. It drew some attention with teachers, instructors, and church youth group leaders, who all had some ideas and requests for games not featured on the site. I took those on as a challenge to create those games in PowerPoint with their likeness, and eventually added them to this site. This site boasts over a dozen macro-enabled free PowerPoint games and templates for anyone to create a fun event for their students, youth, trainees, or anyone else who loves to play games.
FREE GAMES? : Why am I offering these games for free? It goes back to my beginnings in PowerPoint as a student who had to endure multiple "Death by PowerPoint" games and presentations. These games are my way to show my thanks and appreciation to teachers who want to provide the best for their students, without breaking the bank. The secondary reason is I strive to provide games that have nearly identical experiences to what you've likely seen on the game shows on TV. Since I do not own the rights to use any of the games sound effects, music, or likeness, I cannot therefore sell this as my own work. These templates and games are unofficial and designed for personal use only.
If you enjoy my work and would like to help support this site, there are Donate buttons all throughout the site. Your contributions help keep this site alive and thriving! Thank you for visiting, and have fun!
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